我已詳細閱讀「申請授權說明與洽談流程」與「加盟Q&A」等資料,並將填寫申請表格。 請您詳填申請表格,將有助於申請流程的順暢。

  I have carefully read "Application for Authorization and Interview Procedure," "Franchise Q&A" and all the information provided, then I agree to fill out the application form. Please fill out the application form completely that will facilitate your application procedure.

  • 有關資料安全性說明:紅太陽確保您填寫資料的安全性,善盡資料保密之責任。

  • Keeping information confidential:Red Sun will keep the information you have provided confidential.


Individual Applicant
Enterprise Applicant
I have understood the information provided.